The white whale, also known as the beluga whale,
is a species of whale belonging to the taxonomic
family monodontidae. White whales live in Arctic
and sub-Arctic waters, occupying the Arctic
Ocean and seas near the coasts of North America,
Greenland, and Russia. Most white whales do
not remain in one small region, and instead
migrate in very large herds from more central
areas in the ocean to coastal areas and estuaries
in the summer; however, some populations of
white whales do not migrate and remain relatively
Beluga Whale Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Monodontidae
Genus: Delphinapterus
Species: Leucas
Other Names: White Whale, Sea Canary,
Belukha, White Porpoise and White Squidhound
Beluga Whale in Foreign Languages:
Bulgarian: Beluga
Mandarin: Baijing / Beiluka Jing
Danish: Hvidhval
Dutch: Beloega
Estonian: Valgevaal
Finnish: Maitovalas / Beluga
French: Beluga/ Belouga
German: WeiBwal / Beluga
Greenlandic: Qilalugaq Qaqortaq
Hungarian: Beluga / Feher Delfin
Japanese: Shiroiruka
Navajo: Teeh Hoyaaniitsoh
Romanian: Beluga
Russian: Beluxa / Beluga
Spanish: Beluga

Beluga Whale
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
/ Threatened
White whales, on average, measure about 10-18 feet
in length and weighing between 1,500 and 3,500 pounds,
with males' being usually about 25% larger than females.
As their name suggests, adult white whales are white
or greyish-white in color. However, white whale calves
are born grey in color, and lose pigmentation and
become paler as they age. Usually, white whales take
on a creamy white color by the time they are seven
to nine years old. A white whale's skin may develop
a yellow tint when it thickens during the winter,
although this change in color is temporary and often
White whales are carnivorous, and feed opportunistically.
This means that what a white whale eats depends significantly
on which region it occupies and even on the time of
year. Most white whales subsist primarily on fish,
but will also feed on shrimp, crabs, clams, small
octopuses, squid, sea snails, and other such organisms.
White whales, however, are limited in selecting food
by their means of feeding; since they ingest prey
by suction and therefore eat their prey whole, white
whales cannot hunt relatively large organisms, as
they may become caught in the whales' throats.
Being particularly social animals, white whales tend
to live in groups, or pods, containing as few as two
and as many as around 20 other individuals. White
whales in pods are highly interactive with one another,
and communicate with one another through sounds, rub
up against one another, and engage in behavior that
appears to many people to be playing. However, pods
are dynamic, and white whales may enter and leave
new pods quickly and with great frequency.
White whales communicate using high-pitched whistling
noises that resemble a bird's twittering, and for
this reason are sometimes called "sea canaries." They
use these noises not only to communicate, but as echolocation
to facilitate motion and to help them locate breathing
holes in ice and prey in waters with poor visibility.
This behavior is very useful, as white whales have
relatively poor and short-range vision, but very sensitive
White whales have a conservation status of "nearly
threatened," meaning that they are approaching endangerment
should current threats to wild populations persist.
The main threat that white whales face is that of
humans, who have long hunted the whales. White whales
also experience predation by their only natural predators,
polar bears and killer whales, though this limiting
factor alone is most likely insufficient to effect
endangerment. Lastly, white whales face health dangers
posed by chemicals found in their food sources and
various pathogens. In spite of these factors, however,
the average white whale is thought to have a life
span of around 70 years.